2024 - 2025 School Innovation and Improvement Plan
Outcome goals for this academic year.
English Language Arts: Reading by 3rd Grade
Measurable Outcome(s): The percentage of Multilingual Learners who demonstrate appropriate progress in WIDA language acquisition will increase from 71% to 76% (5 percentage point increase) from spring 2024 to spring 2025. The percentage of Lemon Road students in grades K-3 meeting or exceeding the VALLS screener benchmarks will increase by 5 percentage points from fall 2024 to spring 2025."
- Use embedded formative assessments in the new core curriculum to guide tier 1 and tier 2 instructional decisions.
- Improve integrity of implementation of new core curriculum, English Language Development program, and/or intervention programs by using FCPS-adopted resources with fidelity.
- Increase opportunities for students to develop oral language through pair and small group structures that promote engagement.
Measurable Outcome(s): By the end of the 2024-25 school year the percentage multilingual students passing the G 3-6 Mathematics SOL will increase from 71% to 76%. By the end of the 2024-25 school year the percentage of all students passing the G 3-6 Mathematics SOL will increase from 89% to 94%."
- Increase formal collaboration between classroom teachers and ESOL teachers to develop the language of mathematics through the use of embedded strategies during whole group and small group instruction.
- Increase teachers' content knowledge and implementation of the 2023 FCPS mathematics program of studies.
- Increase teacher implementation of explicit instruction and other components of effective mathematics intervention.
Portrait of a Graduate: Presentations of Learning
Measurable Outcome: By Spring 2025, 100% of Kindergarten - 3rd grade students will learn about, use, and apply POG skills in their core classes and specials and will score at least proficient on Criterion 2 of the POG POL rubric; By Spring 2025,100% of 4th - 6th grade students will participate in a POG Presentation of Learning, with data recorded in RUBI.
- Make explicit connections to POG skills and attributes (Resource 1) in daily lessons; if at an IB school, make explicit connections to ATL skills in daily lessons (Resource 2).
- Create portfolios (Resource 1) dedicated to documenting growth in POG/ATL attributes and skills
- Create opportunities for students to share their growth in a POG POL (Portrait of a Graduate Presentations of Learning - Resource 1) or, for IB schools, ATL POL (Approaches to Learning Presentation of Learning - Resource 2).