Mrs. Ashley Castillo is from Pittsburgh, PA where she was a proud sister, student, gymnast, and coach. She went on to receive her bachelor’s from James Madison University, and earned her Master’s in Educational Leadership from George Mason University. Ashley began her career in Fairfax County first as a student teacher at Navy Elementary then a third grade teacher at McNair Elementary. She served as an Advanced Academics Resource Teacher at McNair Elementary then Fairhill Elementary prior to becoming an assistant principal at Westlawn and Shrevewood Elementary Schools. Ashley is excited to have been named the proud Principal of Lemon Road Elementary School in 2018. She has a passion for quality instruction of the whole child and the belief that school should be a positive extension of a child’s home. She is a firm believer that “other people matter,” as evident through her values of building relationships with staff, students, parents, and the community at large. Outside of school, Ashley spends as much time as she can with her husband and two children, cheering on the Caps and Nats, enjoys exercising, travelling, and catching up with friends.