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Message from Mrs. Castillo
December is off to a fantastic start with 5 busy days of learning last week. Thank you for your support when the power went out unexpectedly on Wednesday. We appreciate how quickly FCPS was able to partner with Dominion Power to get a new transformer installed Wednesday evening!
Tomorrow is a 3-hour early release. Most students will go home (or to SACC/FCMCC) at 11:55 tomorrow. During these 3-hour releases, our teachers and staff engage in required professional learning. This professional learning is paying off - we are seeing big gains in our students reading, writing, and spelling already this year. Thank you for your support! See pictures throughout this newsletter of students reading and writing in classrooms.
A big shout out to our room parents. Winter parties are coming on December 20 and we appreciate our parents stepping up to run these parties. If you have not heard from your room parent yet, reach out to see how you can help them. Classes will be looking for volunteers on the afternoon of Friday, December 20.
Parent Reminders
- Dress your child for the weather. Students will go outside for recess and some instruction most days!
- This week we will have rehearsals and concerts for our grades 4 - 6 musicians. Be sure students remember their instruments for their rehearsal and concerts. Musicians wear white shirt with black bottoms for the evening concert and their polo with dark pants for the daytime concert.
- Our Lost & Found is full! Please stop by tomorrow morning (December 9) to claim items. We will be bagging items for donation tomorrow afternoon.
- All parents/guardians/visitors must bring and scan a government-issued photo ID each time they visit school. Arrive early to events to ensure time for parking and check in.
Prepare for Meals at School: Check out the breakfast and lunch menu!
- Have your child log into Clever from Lemon Road Student Links and access both Lexia and ST Math from home.
Family Life Education (FLE) Preview Night
Lemon Road will be hosting a virtual Parent Preview Night, on Monday, December 9th at 7pm, to review our Family Life Education lessons. This meeting will be held on ZOOM. Direct Link: https://myfcpsk12.zoom.us/j/91302157716
Fairfax County Public Schools' Family Life Education (FLE) curriculum is taught in grades K-12. Lessons include age-appropriate instruction in:
- family living and community relationships
- abstinence education
- the value of postponing sexual activity
- the benefits of adoption as a positive choice in the event of an unwanted pregnancy
- human sexuality and human reproduction.
Instruction promotes parental involvement, fosters positive self-concepts, and provides coping mechanisms for dealing with peer pressure and the stresses related to the students' developmental stages and abilities.
Parents may remove their child(ren) from any FLE lessons at a particular grade level. Students removed from a lesson will be taught alternative, non-FLE, lessons.
If you wish to opt your child out of any of the activities mentioned above, you must complete the appropriate forms online through the Parent Digital Consent system.
Direct Link: https://www.fcps.edu/family-resources/technology/digital-resources/consent/directions
Full-Time AAP Service Referrals Due
Parents/guardians of students in Grades 2-7 who would like their student to be considered for Full-Time advanced academic programs may submit the AAP Full-Time Referral Form to Avery Straw, [email protected] no later than December 15, 2024.
The window for families to submit a referral for Full-Time AAP services is the first day of school through December 15, annually. Forms for Full-Time and part-time referrals are available on the AAP Forms Page. No late referrals for Full-Time AAP services will be accepted.
Submitting a referral form for Full-Time AAP will initiate a process that begins at the local school and is then completed at the central office level. Our school will put together a portfolio that includes multiple data which are considered holistically. At the central office level, a committee of six trained professionals from various schools and roles will review the portfolio materials to determine eligibility for Full-Time placement. Eligibility decisions are communicated by early April. Parents may request a copy of the portfolio that was submitted after they have been turned in for central selection by emailing Avery Straw, [email protected].
Referrals for Subject-Specific and Part-Time AAP are screened at the local school. If you miss this deadline, your student can still be screened for Subject-Specific AAP or Part-Time AAP for the remainder of the year and submit a referral for Full-Time AAP next fall.
For more information, please visit the Advanced Academic Programs website.
Only two weeks until winter break! Though things are slowing down for winter we still have a few activities happening in December:
- Please consider donating to our annual Community Service Drive to support local families in need through local food bank SHARE of Mclean and the Kilmer Middle School Food Bank. Thank you for your generosity and support! You can contribute by:
- The PTA will host a hot cocoa and cookies holiday treat for our amazing staff on Dec 16th - if you would like to help with decorations, set up, baking/buying cookies etc. please email us at [email protected]
- Room Parents are starting to plan Winter Holiday Parties for December 20th - please reach out to your Room Parent to ask how you can help!
Spotlight on Lemon Road Music
Literacy Resources for Families
We believe families are key to developing literacy. The pages below have resources to help you encourage literacy at home. It also has info to help you partner with your student's teacher and school staff in supporting your student's literacy progress in reading and writing.
Literacy Resources for Families
Family Facing Curriculum
SEL Screener Results Available
Students in grades 3-12 took the SEL Screener during the month of October providing information on their SEL skills like achieving goals, understanding and managing emotions, establishing and maintaining relationships, and making responsible decisions. The screener also asks students how well their school community makes them feel valued, included, and supported.
Individual student SEL Screener results are now available to families in the Documents section of SIS ParentVUE. For families who do not have an active ParentVUE account, results will be sent via US mail.
For support in understanding your individual student’s results or for ideas on how to support them at home, please review the Family Guide or reach out to our school staff with any questions.
In case you missed it in FCPS This Week, the school division shared updates on the following topics and others:
- Family Academy Orientation
- Literacy Resources
- Boundary Study & Bell Schedule Potential Changes
Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving this weekly newsletter, please sign up today.
Upcoming Important Dates
Monday, December 9: A Week; Early Release (11:55); Band/Stings Rehearsal (8:25 AM); FLE Parent Preview Night through Zoom (7 PM)
Tuesday, December 10: Grad 5 & 6 Chorus Rehearsal (8:25)
Wednesday, December 11: SCA Officer Meeting; Evening Band, Strings & Chorus Concert
Thursday, December 12: Daytime Band, Strings & Chorus Concert (polos required)
Friday, December 13: LRES Polo Day; Full SCA Meeting
Monday, December 16: B Week; PTA Hot Chocolate & Cookies for Staff
Tuesday, December 17: Winter Staff Luncheon
Wednesday, December 18:
Thursday, December 19: Patrol Meeting (8:25)
Friday, December 20: Freaky Friday - Pajama Day; Variety Show (8:30 AM); Class Parties
Monday, December 23 - January 3: Winter Break
Monday, January 6: A Week
FCPS 2024-2025 School Year Calendar
7230 Idylwood Road, Falls Church, VA 22043 | Main Phone: 703-714-6400
Attendance: 703-714-6464 or email | Health Rm.: 703-714-6410 | Web | Instagram